
Solidarity message to the Venezuelan Embassy

December 6th, 2007

Following the solidarity message of IPAI, sent to the Venezuelan Embassy in regard of the referandum on the constitutional reform on December 2, 2007

To the Embassy of the

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela


Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

Esteemed representatives of the Venezuelan Embassy!


In the name of the International Platform against Isolation, we would like to send you our sincerest Greetings and express our deepest regret about the miscarriage of the referandum on the constitutional reform, which covers the most basic areas of the Venezuelan population and is a further step towards full sovereignty of the Venezuelan people.

We are convinced that this process will not end at this point, and we fully support and defend the Bolivarian Government and the people’s leader and legitime president of Venezuela Hugo Chavez in its honorable campaign against the lies and demagogies of the bourgeois media and the collaborating monopolies, which aim at instability and split of the people, in order to confiscate the property of the people and sell out the country to imperialism.

In this sense, we wish you and the Venezuelan people, who will continue their fight for a independent, democratic and sovereign country, greatest success.

The socialist process in your country gives hope to all oppressed and exploited people in the world and this cannot be destroyed by the unlucky recent developments.


In friendship and solidarity

International Platform against Isolation